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Weedon Memorial High School Essay Content
sponsored by
The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia

The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia announces an essay contest for any Virginia high school senior who will attend any four-year college or university in the Commonwealth of Virginia beginning in the fall. 


The Society will award scholarships of $4000 to $6000 to the authors of up to four essays that are judged to be the most outstanding. The number of scholarships awarded will be determined by the contest judges based on the overall quality of all entries.


Any graduating Virginia high school senior who has been admitted to a four-year college or university in the Commonwealth of Virginia which he or she plans to attend in the fall of 2021, is eligible to enter the essay contest.


Each year the essay concerns a historical document or event that played an important role in the establishment of our nation. Past essays have included topics such as the Virginia Declaration of Religious Freedom, the Westmoreland Resolutions and the Virginia Act of Cession. This year’s topic will be French Influence on the American Revolution.

The essay should be written for the benefit of someone who has never studied the American Revolution. The essay should also attempt to address how they were recruited, who they were and what they did to influence the outcome of the Revolutionary War.


A team of judges will select the winners based on the following criteria:


1. Originality: freshness and unique application of knowledge of the topic.

2. Organization: structure of the essay, arrangement of ideas and information in a logical sequence, and effective transition between key points.

3. Development: appropriate use of supporting materials and effective application of historical context.

4. Style: grammar, choice and arrangement of words, clarity and overall logic and flow.


Entries should be limited to 1,500 words, excluding citations, and should be typed, with double spacing and one-inch margins, on one side of white letter sized paper (8 1/2” by 11”). Each submission should be an original essay written for this competition. All quotations or paraphrases must be appropriately cited in footnotes. Entrants may discuss the development of their essays with peers, parents and/or teachers, but essays must be work of the contestants themselves. No editorial assistance is permitted.


The Society will award up to four scholarships of $4,000 to $6,000 each to those whose essays are judged, based on the criteria set forth above, to be the most outstanding. The Society will notify award winners by mail or telephone, and they will be recognized at a luncheon in late May or early June, barring any health restrictions on gatherings at that time.


Two (2) copies of each entry must be mailed with a completed application form to:

Mr. Frank T. Sutton, IV
1209 Balustrade Blvd
Richmond, VA 23226


Please complete both sides of the application form.

Entries must be postmarked by Friday, March 14th, 2025

©2022 The Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia

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